Before I got here I was well aware that the Australians, belonging to the Commonwealth and all, drive on the wrong side of the road. What I was not aware of is how confusing it really is.
When I do cross a road I have to force me to look the “wrong” way rather then what I am used to. And still even though I fell much less secure crossing streets then back home. Before I was here I guess I have never really thought about how many other changes this simple difference would entail. Take an escalator for instance. In all the ‘normal’ countries one would walk on the left side and stand on the right side – don’t try that around here. But that is still not where it ends, think about trains, where you walk on the sidewalk, where the gear-stick is in a car, on what side of the road you have to wait for you bus into town.
All in all I am simply amazed how confusing the simple use of the wrong side of the street can be and how much it entails. But I hope that the adjustments get easier once I actually get to drive a car around here.
So keep you fingers crossed for me. Ciao!