A little while ago Elmbaek published “I know what U did last august” (GC4K5Q3). On the attempt to get a FTF I failed miserably (as I had expected). However, upon arrival I did meet Elmbaek and oz9els at ground zero. We talked for a bit. Eventually we got to the point that oz9els had found at least one mystery for each day of the year except for the 21st of August. For some reasons I understood it that he had actually one FTF on a mystery for all days of the year but this one. Since the one he had already solved some time ago had just been found by some finish guy a few days ago I figured that maybe I could help. The thought of someone not only having at least 364 FTF on mysteries quite impressed me and I figured it would be great to be a part of that for giving him a chance to get that last missing FTF.
I already had found a place for a cache some time ago so that should not be a problem and in an idle moment (I am trying to write an article at the moment) I got the idea for this one. From there to the time where 6_15_18 15_26_ni_5_12_19 (GC4KD8Z) got published only about 45 minutes passed. Oz9els got the FTF as I had hoped but I learned that any mystery would have done the trick (as it did not need to be a FTF after all). In any case ‘Tillykke’ to oz9els for having one or more mystery finds per day of the year.
Of cause this cache is there for anyone to find. If you get there during night time with a full moon and a clear sky like today its a great view.
P.S. This will not help you to solve the cache.